Pai, Thailand

While we debated on how long to stay in Thailand, we decided to check out Pai for a couple of days.

If you’re a motorbike person, I think there’s a ton of adventuring to be had around Pai. But we’re not motorbike people: Neither of us have ridden one, let alone driven one before. Hilly, curvy roads just didn’t feel like the best place to learn. Then seeing several tourists walking around covered in scrapes and bruises, and burns on their left legs convinced us that we should definitely spend our time at the pool. And that’s exactly what we did.

For three glorious days we alternated between lounging in the shade, cooling off in the pool, and wandering into town to find delicious food. Naturally, I also made friends with a cat. Jim called him flea bitten, I say that finding one flea doesn’t mean he can’t snuggle in my lap.

After fully enjoying our lazy days, we got back on the nauseating bus to Chiang Mai and then transferred to a less vomit inducing bus to Chiang Rai.


Liz & Jim

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